SWMS - Operation of Drones


The General Cleaning Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) outlines the main hazards and risks involved with  the operation of drones .The SWMS provides details of the health and safety precautions (including personal protective equipment requirements) to be observed when carrying out these works.


A safe work method statement (SWMS) must be prepared for any and all high-risk construction work to be undertaken prior to the work commencing. All high-risk construction work must be carried out in accordance with this SWMS.

 This SWMS must be kept and be available for inspection until the high-risk construction work to which this SWMS relates is completed. If the SWMS is revised, all versions should be kept.If a notifiable incident occurs in relation to the high-risk construction work in this SWMS, the SWMS must be kept for at least 2 years from the date of the notifiable incident.


SWMS Issue Date:

29 June 2023

Person responsible for reviewing SWMS:

Grant Hill

SWMS Review Date:

29  June 2025


NOTE: This is a generic SWMS. A generic SWMS may be prepared and used for high risk construction work activities that are carried out on a regular basis; however, the generic SWMS must be reviewed by the person carrying out the work to take into account the hazards and risks for the specific workplace and amend the SWMS as necessary for the site where the work is to be carried out, and complete details such as names and qualifications of workers who will carry out the work. All amendments to the SWMS must conform to regulatory requirements and be recorded on the SWMS. Workers and their health and safety representatives (if any) should be consulted before the generic SWMS is first made available to them and all workers instructed in the SWMS by site-specific inductions or toolbox talks. Details of consultation with workers and instruction in the SWMS must be recorded on the SWMS for that project or site. All workers are required to sign-off on the SWMS before the work is commenced.

Plant and Tools




Personal Protective Equipment

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT (PPE) REQUIRED (Required PPE is indicated by a tick). Ensure all workers have required PPE before any work requiring the PPE is commenced.

Acts / Regulations

Worksafe QLD (Workplace Health and Safety, Electrical Safety Office, Workers' Compensation Regulator, Workcover) 

Work Health and Safety Act 2011 

Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 

Electrical Safety Act 2002 

Electrical Safety Regulation 2013

Codes of Practice / Standards / Other Resources

Electrical safety code of practice 2013 - Managing electrical risks in the Workplace

First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice 2014

Hazardous Manual Tasks Code of Practice 2011

How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks Code of Practice 2011

Labelling of Workplace Hazardous Chemicals Code of Practice 2011

Managing Noise and Preventing Hearing Loss at Work Code of Practice 2011

Managing the Risk of Falls at Workplaces Code of Practice 2018

Managing the Work Environment and Facilities Code of Practice 2011

Work Health and Safety Consultation, Co-operation, and Co-ordination Code of Practice 2011

Abrasive Blasting Code of Practice 2013

Construction and operation of solar farms Code of Practice 2019

Electrical safety code of practice 2020 - Electrical equipment rural industry

Electrical safety code of practice 2020 - Working near overhead and underground electric lines

Electrical safety code of practice 2020 - Works

Managing Risks of Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace Code of Practice 2013

Preparation of Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous Chemicals Code of Practice 2011

Standards Australia 2016, – Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use, AS/NZS ISO 14001:2016

Environmental Protection Regulation 2019

Environment Protection Act 1994

Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 2019


Worker consultation, instruction and sign off

All workers must sign below before commencing work covered by this SWMS: I have been consulted, instructed in and fully understand the content of this SWMS

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