The Boat Works Contractors Registration Package 2022

Contractors Registration Package

Phone: 07 5500 0000 Email: Website: 

BOATYARD SOUTH: 1 Boatworks Drive, Coomera, QLD 4209 

SUPERYACHT YARD NORTH: 199 Beattie Road, Coomera QLD 4209 


Please Note:   All fields with a  *  are mandatory fields and must be completed to be able to submit the form.

Company & Introduction


The Boat Works complies with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all employees, visitors, guests and contractors and for the protection of the environment. In support of this commitment contractors conducting business at The Boat Works have an obligation to comply with the marina policies and procedures. In this document we outline your responsibilities, obligations and rights. 

This privilege is offered to reputable contractors who have accepted our conditions, registered with the office and who will respect our facility. 



With the current strict Environmental legislation, WH&S, insurance and liability issues, The Boat Works is required to ensure that all contractors understand their rights and accept their responsibilities in these matters. Only legitimate businesses with adequate insurance cover are allowed the privilege to provide their services to our customers, at our facility. 


Once this document is read, understood, signed and all required information is provided, you may be required to register ‘in’ and ‘out’. 


It is important that each employee of your business understands the induction procedure, and acknowledges the conditions. We request that all contractors register with us prior to job commencement, even if your services are arranged through our on-site tenants, or directly through the boat owner/captain etc. 


NIL – to be reviewed annually. 


Your registration with The Boat Works will be valid for the direction of your insurance cover (refer specific insurance requirements). It is important that you provide us with updated insurance documents when applicable. 


The Boat Works reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to reject or withdraw the privilege of entry or provision of services from our facility from any person, contractor or company at any time. The details within this registration package are subject to change and will be updated to conform to legal requirements and site changes.

Required Information

The Boat Works requires outside contractors to provide the following applicable Certificates of Currency (copies must be provided with your registration) for your business:

Upload Certificates Here

These requirements apply in full to all work done within The Boat Works facility. Contractors will not be allowed to commence work until such time as the necessary certificates are provided. 

 All contractors must be environmentally licensed (ERA Licence) and insured. Relevant details including all certificates of currency are to be presented to administration and updated as required prior to commencing work at The Boat Works. Please note there is to be no advertising / marketing promotional boards on display.

Health and Safety

Contractors are required to ensure that they are physically fit and capable of undertaking the work for which they have been contracted. 


Any accident or incident that results in property damage, injury or environmental harm, or threatens environmental harm, must be reported immediately to The Boat Works team or management.

Any person requiring first aid treatment is to contact the Office on 5500 0000 or 000 for an ambulance. For after hours, please contact the caretakers on 0437 522 903. 


Safety valves are to be utilised in the use of compressed air. Cylinders are to be stored and used in a secure and upright position. All air-lines are to be securely joined to prevent separation during operation. 


Confined spaces must only be entered by appropriately trained and qualified persons. Relevant permits and notifications of such works must be provided to The Boat Works Office prior to entry to a confined space. 


Electricity and water are a lethal combination. All electrical equipment must be tested (expires in twelve months) and tagged before being used at The Boat Works. Any equipment supplied and/or installed by your organisation at The Boat Works must be tested and tagged before ‘handing over’. On arrival on site, or during your work at The Boat Works your electrical equipment may be inspected by a Boat Works representative. 

Electrical leads must be switched off at the point of power supply and removed when not in use. Extension leads must be kept as short as possible and must be located and protected in such a manner as to prevent damage from vehicular traffic, hot equipment and the water. Use of safety switches for all portable equipment is mandatory. Taped joints, double adapters and piggyback plugs are not to be used. 

If electrocution occurs DO NOT TOUCH the victim unless you have been able to turn off the power supply. Call ‘000’ for an ambulance and notify yard team or call the Office on 5500 0000. 


Explosive-powered tools are not to be used at The Boat Works. 


Where petrol or diesel powered equipment is used at The Boat Works, fuel must be stored in satisfactory safety containers. Contractors are to ensure that adequate ventilation is provided when using petrol or diesel powered equipment and that sufficient non-smoking signs are displayed. 


Gas bottles need to be kept in an upright position on a solid base, otherwise they can’t vent properly and cannot be stored indoors, in direct sunlight or near an ignition source.


Adequate fire protection must be provided. A suitable fire extinguisher must be securely attached to each electric or oxyacetylene or Oxy-LPG welding plant brought on site. Welding operations must be screened to protect all personnel against flashes. All gas cylinders, including propane, must be restrained i.e. in a trolley. A Hot Work Permit must be completed prior to any indoor welding commencing. Permission must also be sought prior to any grinding or cutting works using a powered grinder no matter what size. 


The Boat Works is a Non-Smoking yard. 


Any working platform must conform to the relevant Standards. 

Hoists and scaffolding must be to the standard required by local authorities. 

Ladders must be of industrial standard and be tied off at the top and secured on even ground at the bottom. No one is permitted to work from the top step of a ladder including freestanding industrial ladders. It is advisable to always have one hand holding the ladder and the ladder must not be used as a work platform. 

Safety harnesses must be worn and properly secured at heights greater than 2.4 metres and must always be worn in cherry-pickers and other mobile working platforms. Safety harnesses must be worn and properly secured when working atop fly bridge cruisers.

Important Information


Onsite caretakers are located next to the After Hours Access Gate and can be contacted during closed operating hours anytime on 0437 522 903. 


Surveillance cameras are located throughout the site and operate 24/7. Please report any incident to the Office or Caretaker / Security (after hours). In case of an emergency, please always phone 000. 


Should you require access to your vessel outside of operating hours, please contact the Office where you can be issued with an After Hours Gate Key/swipe card. Please ensure the gate is closed and locked behind you and we ask that your key is used for yourself only as we are a security conscious facility. Unauthorised access will be monitored. A deposit is required when you are issued with a key/swipe card 


Should you require first aid, please contact the Office for assistance on 07 5500 0000 or phone for an ambulance on 000. 


Please familiarise yourself with the Emergency Evacuation plan enclosed. It is important to know your nearest exit and assembly area should an emergency occur. Please contact the Office for assistance on 07 5500 0000 or phone for the fire brigade on 000. 

See page 11 for The Boat Works North Evacuation Plan 

See page 12 for The Boat Works South Evacuation Plan 


Due to workplace health & safety and insurance requirements, enclosed footwear is required to be worn at all times on site and safe work practices must be adhered to at all times. The Boat Works is regarded as a construction site under relevant legislation and therefore children are not permitted in working areas. 


Inflatable dock or floating pontoons for hire.A portable sturdy floating platform that can be hired for detailing works to the side hull and other in-water works whilst in the Marina. For wash-down use only. 

Option 1 – 4m x 2m OR Option 2 – 3.5m x 1.5m 

*Enquire direct with the office to hire or for more information. 


The Boat Works reserves the right to ask contractors to wear clothing that is in keeping with safety requirements and standards appropriate to the overall presentation of the facility.Contractors must at all times conduct themselves in a manner acceptable to The Boat Works. Loud, coarse or abusive language will not be tolerated.


To be conducted within the designated Sandblast Shed onsite. Should there be a need to Sandblast the vessel once set down on the hardstand or within a refit shed the vessel will need to be relocated and will incur an additional relocate charge. 


Not to be released whilst on the Hardstand or in Storage for safety reasons.Must be done prior to haul out. 


We will provide stairs free of charge for access use only. Stairs are available in various heights. They are not to be used in any way for a mobile scaffold. These are supplied at your own risk. 

 Once stairs are positioned in place they are to be tied off to a secure location on the vessel. Ladders also can be provided. REFER TO THE SIGNAGE ON THE STAIRS OUTLINING THE GUIDELINES FOR USE.


DO NOT tamper with props or stands under vessel, The Boat Works operations team have set vessels down to a safe working standard. 


For your safety other equipment i.e. scaffold, scissor lift, dust extractors & screening etc. can be sourced & delivered to site.


Correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be used at all times.PPE is anything used or worn by a person to minimise risk to the person’s health or safety and includes a wide range of clothing and safety equipment. PPE includes – enclosed footwear, face masks, ear plugs, hard hats, respirators, gloves, high visibility clothing, safety harnesses etc. 


Excessive noise is strictly prohibited outside of operating hours within The Boat Works complex. All power tools etc. not to be used after 6pm. 


Machine’s – Sealift, 70T & 100T Travelift

Monday to Friday 7.00am – 5.00pm 

Saturday from 8.00am - 12.00pm 

Sunday Nil 

Public Holidays Nil 

Machine – 300T Travelift

Monday to Friday 7.00am – 3.30pm 

Saturday and Sunday Nil 

Public Holidays Nil 


Monday – Friday 7.00am – 4.30pm

 Saturday and Sunday Nil 

Public Holidays Nil 

Gates Open/Yard Access

Monday – Sunday 6.00am – 6pm

The Boat Works North Evacuation Diagram

The Boat Works South Evacuation Diagram

Site Map


I hereby apply for registration as an approved contractor at The Boat Works. 

I acknowledge receiving and understanding The Boat Works Terms and Conditions regarding Health, Safety and Environmental Requirements and should my application be successful, I agree to abide by them. 

I declare the information that I have provided is accurate and true. 

I further agree to ensure that all of my employees, agents or sub-contractors are fully aware of these requirements and obligation and shall abide by them at all times.

The Contractor shall be liable for, and shall keep OWNER indemnified against, any legal liability, loss, claim or proceedings for personal injury to or death of any person, or for injury or damage to property or for any penalties incurred as a result of any direct or indirect act of the Contractor or its employees, agents or subcontractors.

Additional Employees



GOLD COAST MARINE CENTRE PTY LTD ABN 15 094 136 866 (“ Operator”) 1 Boatworks Drive, Coomera QLD 4209 and 199 Beattie Road, Coomera, Queensland 4209

In consideration of the Operator permitting the Signatory to access the Gold Coast Marine Centre (" Complex”) (including staying on the Vessel whilst at the Complex, if agreed by the Operator), the Signatory: 

1. indemnifies and will keep indemnified the Operator from and against all claims, damage and loss of any nature (collectively " Claims”) which may be asserted against or suffered or incurred by the Operator arising from, connected with or in any way related to: 

(a) the Signatory’s use of the Complex, and use or performance of works on the Vessel; 

(b) any accident, damage or loss to property or injury or death to persons sustained at the Complex caused or contributed to by any act, omission, negligence or default of the Signatory; 

(c) the failure to comply with the rules and regulations pertaining to the Complex and the directions of the Operator at all times.

2. unconditionally releases the Operator from, and agrees that the Operator is not liable for any Claims arising from, connected with or in any way related to: 

(a) any of the matters referred to in clause 1; 

(b) any accident, damage or loss to property or injury or death to persons sustained at the Complex however caused, including but not limited to any damage, loss or injury caused or contributed to by any act, omission, negligence or default of the Operator, its employees or agents.

3. must pay to the Operator the cost of repairing and making good any damage to the Complex caused by or as a result of any act or omission by the Signatory. 

4. acknowledges that, if the Signatory is: 

(a) the owner or is the person primarily entrusted with the Vessel - the Vessel, all property which may be on the Vessel and all other property of the Signatory; 

(b) a person other than the owner or the person primarily entrusted with the Vessel - all property of the Signatory (whether or not on the Vessel); are at the sole risk of the Signatory.
